Issue #7 – Marisa Loves the Gays

Tonight on my Instagram, I posted a picture of myself and a good friend of mine having a laugh in West Hollywood from a couple of months ago. Some of my hashtags included #ilovethegays #westhollywood #fiestacantina #wehavebigmouths amongst a few others. Now if you know me, then you know I have a pretty decent stable of gay boyfriends and that they are some of the best friends that I’ve ever had, but there’s always some jackass who has to make a stupid comment.

“Why do you like gays so much?”

It pissed me off. So I decided to scrap the blog entry that I was working on, and talk about my love of gay boys.

Let’s start at the beginning. I grew up with the most loving, open-minded and kind-hearted mom who made sure that my sister and I knew that love is love. I have always seen people for who they are and not what they are and I don’t blink twice if someone tells me that they’re gay.

So, since a young age, I have always had gay friends. Now when I say gay, I mean both boys and girls, however, the boys are my weakness. So let’s talk about why I love the boys that I love. Some are superficial and obvious, and even stereotypical. But guess what, if I offend you or anyone else, too bad. This is my blog with my opinions.

1. Music: I’m a lover of pop music, boy bands, campy teeny boppers, Disney Channel superstars and other cheesy acts. But here’s the thing- none of it’s cheesy to me. I adore it. It’s my guilty pleasure. I have a handful of girlfriends who would come to these shows with me, but guess who is ALWAYS down to go see the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, One Direction or Kesha? My Gays.

2. Dancing: I dance all of the time. With music, without music, in a club, at a concert, at the store, in front of the taco truck, at the gym, in line for the bathroom, in the car, while doing the dishes, while getting dressed….get it? And who will dance with me ALL night, with drinks in hand, grab on my booty, dirty dance, lip sync, bust out awesome choreography and look amazing doing it? My Gays.

3. Excitement Factor: I have never had anyone else SQUEAL at a bar or club when Britney Spears comes on. ‘Nuff said. Actually, one night in West Hollywood, I was at the bar getting a drink and I get a text from across the club… “BRITNEY IS ON!” Who else? My Gays.

4. Sex Advice: Who gives the best blow job tips? Duh. My Gays.  (Mom, sorry, you probably didn’t want to hear that, LOL).

5. Affection: I love my Gay Boy hugs, kisses, ass slaps, boob grabs, hand holding, cuddling, slow dancing, dirty dancing, etc. And I genuinely adore the love, support and encouragement from my boys. And what’s amazing is that if a new boy tries to talk to me….oh No No No…I belong to an exclusive group and apparently, they don’t share. So who makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and fucking sexy? My Gays.

6. Boob Envy: “Marisa I LOOOOOVE your boobs.”  Who can randomly say that without getting junk punched? My Gays. (and they get free grabsies too! Yep, that’s right!)

7. Mama Marisa: I’m a great listener and I love that my boys feel like they can confide in me with their deepest concerns, feelings and fears, but also their joys, their hopes, their dreams. I love knowing that they understand that my heart is big and always wide open. They also know that I’m honest and if they’re looking for smoke to be blown up their ass (some might like that), they’re not going to get it from me.

8. Sexy Factor: Have you seen my Facebook page or my Instagram account lately? Have you SEEN the boys that I run with? Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Why wouldn’t I want to surround myself with beautiful people? Duh.

9. No Creepy Sleep Overs:  I can share a bed with my gay boys and not worry about awkward spooning (well most of the time), and know that no one is trying to get in my pants. (Unless they want to borrow them, LOL).

10. Pet Names:  Gorgeous, Love, Sexy, Bitch, Boo, Miss Thang, Mami, Tits Galore (that’s my favorite), Mama…..I hear it all and I love them all! Oh yeah, Boy Band Whore, that’s always a good one. And only my gays can call me that. If anyone else says that, you’ll get punched.

11. Fashion Sense and Artistic Eye: Who else could make me look THIS amazing? Take a guess?


February 2014 Photo Shoot for Chunky Girl Comics Makeup and Photo By: Gerry Garcia

12. Weiner and Vag Talk: I love that talking about girl problems and girl parts grosses so many of my gays out. Start talking about vaginas and watch them shudder!! But when we start talking about wieners, it’s smiles all around!

13.  Stress Free Nights:  No stress, no drama, no creepy guys hitting on me, no fighting over the same guy….when we’re out at a bar or club, I get to just have fun. Dance, sing, drink, eat and have no worries!

14. Love: Bottom line- some of the most amazing people in my life happen to be gay and I am so thankful to have them. Here in Northern California, down in Southern California (where most of my loves are), Texas, New York, Florida…I love all of my boys. I have an immense place in my heart for each and every one. I think that anyone who has ever had to fight for their rights, for equality, to deal with bullying, teasing, prejudice, stereotyping and hate for something that they had no choice over is a superhero.

This list could go on and on and I it could never do any of my friends any justice. But honestly, I prefer the company of my gay boys over almost everyone else and I only wish that we all lived close together. I am just in awe that people still have a problem with homosexuality and I guess I never will. I will not get into any political or “moral” arguments and debates over this, because I’m pretty sure you all know my stance.

Oh, let me also clear something up….I love hanging out with my lezzies too. Am I a lesbian? No. I like boys. A friend of mine, who is straight, once asked me “When you go out to gay and lesbian bars, do you get hit on? OMG I would die.”  And she meant that negatively. She actually sounded like she would be offended if she was hit on by a woman. My theory is….if men AND women are hitting on me, then I must be doing something right! And my lezzie ladies, yes, you may buy me a drink anytime!

Well, so this blog may or may not be entertaining to you, but I hope that it is. Or that it was at least informative. I was just really put off by the comment that was made and felt like my Boys needed to be appreciated and acknowledged.

Bottom Line…… You Better Werk Bitch….

P.S. Now I am REALLY craving nachos from Fiesta Cantina in WeHo!