Issue #8- End of Season- Game of Thrones (Spoilers….)

Well, it’s over. Another season of Game of Thrones comes to a close, and in typical GOT fashion, we are left with many unanswered questions and a lot of open wounds.

“Well Marisa, why don’t you just read the books to find out what happens?”

I get asked that quite often, and my answer is the same, “Because I want to WATCH what happens.” I read ahead for the second season and it just wasn’t as suspenseful and exciting knowing what happens. The anticipation of each episode is too exciting and thrilling for me, so I have decided to close the books and go through the agony of waiting for each episode. I’ve said this before, but I have a completely unhealthy obsession with my favorite fictional characters. I am way too emotionally invested, however, the first step is admitting it, right?

So let’s discuss some of the things that happened in the Season finale.

1. Tyrion-Kings Landing-Lannisters

Now, Tyrion is a Lannister and I do despise the Lannisters for the most part, however everyone has a soft spot for the Imp with the big heart. He generally does what is right and has good intentions. This season Tyrion has fallen from grace and up until the end of the season, we didn’t know if Tyrion was going to live or die. Was he going to escape? Was he going to get released? Was Tywin really going to execute his own son, even though he knows Tyrion wasn’t the one to kill Joffrey? Tyrion has had everything taken from him, including the woman that he loved. But she was a common street whore, so should we have really been surprised that she would roll on him, and subsequently end up in bed with Tywin? Survival of the fittest, right? Well after the noble (but cocky) Oberyn Martell lost his battle with The Mountain, Tyrion was sentenced to die. The night before his scheduled execution, his brother, Jaime, decided to set him loose and get him out of Kings Landing. I kind of called it a couple of weeks ago because the writers have softened Jaime’s character over the last few weeks. So it wasn’t too much of a surprise that Jaime let Tyrion go. What was surprising was Tyrion’s choice to pay a couple of visits to some unsuspecting people before making his departure. Tyrion killing Tywin on the shitter wasn’t that surprising to me. There’s only so much torment and mistreatment one person can take. But when Tyrion took Shae’s life with his own hands, my heart stopped. Not because I particularly cared for the whore, but for Tyrion. He’s lived his whole life with sadness and being outcast for his stature and he fell in love with Shae and believed she felt the same. But alas, she’s gone and Tyrion is in his little dog crate on a ship heading to who knows where. Interesting….Varys decided to leave Kings Landing too. Hmmm, maybe he thinks Tyrion will make a comeback?

2. Sansa and Littlefinger

Where are they?

3. Bran and Hodor

So, as I watched the episode last night, by my lonesome, I had a freak out moment when freaking scary skeletons with weapons started cracking their way through the ice. What kind of craziness is this? I suppose Winter is Coming, right? I cannot stand seeing Hodor get hurt, even as gigantic as he is, and I had a bit of a panic attack when he was getting attacked. I mean, come on. You know some major character has to die in the season finale, and it could have been Hodor. Well, I’m glad Bran and Hodor made it to safety. Hate that they lost a buddy. But who the hell are these scary, animalistic creepy things that call themselves, ‘The Children’. Those are the things nightmares are made of. Ick

4. Arya & The Hound

This won’t take long- the Hound had a softspot for Arya and I was glad to see him show that he did care about Arya after all this time. However, he did try to make her mad on his deathbed and I was glad to see Arya rob him and let him suffer. He should have kept his mouth shut and she may have been more merciful. Arya’s discovery of the ship going to Bravos made me SO happy. When I heard her say the words, “Valar Morghulis”, I just wept. And her on the ship, free and smiling….what a moment. Don’t judge me. I hope that Arya finds what she is looking for in Bravos, and maybe will make a comeback and finish off some of the people on her list….at least those who are still around.

5. Danaerys

I’m a little sick of Dany’s storyline, primarily because I don’t care about her being a peacekeeper in Mereen. While I appreciate an activist and the fact that she is freeing slaves and ending oppression, my brain is screaming- YOU. HAVE. DRAGONS. YOU HAVE THE UNSULLIED. KILL, KILL, KILL! I wanted to see Joffrey get fried by a dragon. But NOOOOO, Danaerys would rather sit in an ugly throne room, granting people new lands and property and compensating people because her dragons keep hunting their animals, and now children. It was a completely heartbreaking moment when she had to chain up two of the dragons. The cry they made….just unsettling. As a mom and an animal lover, it’s the hardest thing to have to do something like that when they don’t understand. But aside from that, I just need Dany to get back into her Khaleesi mindset and go tear some stuff up.

6. Jon Snow

Why can’t he stay put? Always trying to be noble and be the hero. STAY STILL JON SNOW. But I suppose he was in the right place at the right time when Stannis attacked the wildlings. On a side note, I must admit I was a bit attracted to Stannis as he rode in after his defeat. I think there are big things on the horizon for Jon Snow. I don’t know what, but I think he’s got something up his sleeve. And now that he’s got Stannis in the picture, I think he’ll be alright. King Robert and Ned Stark were good friends, so it’s only natural that Robert’s brother have a spot for Ned’s son under his wings, especially since he’s the only “Stark” that everyone thinks is alive.

7. Theon Greyjoy aka Reek

Where is his crazy ass at? I have a feeling that “Reek” is making his way out and that the old Theon will be back shortly. Just minus his penis. Poor guy.

8. Jaime and Cersei

You guys are gross. And I hope a slow painful death comes to Cersei. Her only redeeming quality is that she does love her children. But she’s disgusting and hateful and she needs to go. Jaime—while I think he’s gorgeous and has started to show some sense in his behavior, just backslid this episode. GROSS. Just say no to incest, kids.

Well….I could go into every storyline…but we’d be here forever. I am upset about the way the season ended, as I would have liked a few more things summed up, but I should be used to the writing of the show by now.

I do need to say, Rest in Peace to Oberyn Martell. He was my favorite new character this season. His accent, his attitude, his looks (rawr!) and his very raunchy, overly-sexual orgies seemed amazingly fun….WHY did they have to kill him off. He could have stuck around for a few more episodes.

Well…until next season….I’ll get my GOT fix by watching reruns and dreaming that my Khal Drogo is still alive…*sigh*.

Until next time….keep it nerdy and keep it sexy….

Issue #6 – My Nerdy Obsessions….I Don’t Care What You Think

So last weeks blog was a little naughty. The feedback was pretty awesome and I’m glad that you enjoyed it. But alas, my brain contains. not only sexy things, but a lot of nerdy things as well. While I call myself a fan girl, I am not obsessed with my favorite things and they don’t take over my entire life. A friend and I were discussing “fans” that we often encounter at comic conventions and we have the same complaints. I’m not there to compete with you. I don’t care how many variant covers you own, or that you got Stan Lee’s autograph or that you know every character that Marvel ever created. I really don’t care who your favorite Doctor has been on Dr. Who and no, I haven’t read any of the anime stories that you’re talking about and no, I don’t care that you waited in line for 14 hours to meet whomever. This isn’t a weiner swinging contest. There are obviously bigger nerds out there than me and I’m okay with that. I’m not here to compete. I do have a life and have other things to occupy my brain and memorizing the entire DC Universe just isn’t going to happen.

ANYWAY, so I thought I would share some of the things that I do nerd out about. There are a few and if I had more disposable income, I’d be able to feed my addiction a little more. So maybe it’s a good thing that kids and bills are so expensive.

So let’s start off with Game of Thrones. It’s the most current of my obsessions as season 4 is only two episodes in. So when I began seeing trailers and teasers for Game of Thrones back in 2011 on HBO, I didn’t know what to expect. I knew it would probably be a decent show since HBO generally puts out some good series. I’m not too hip on the fantasy genre in book form, so I had no idea that this was a long running series with a cult of followers. Shut up, so sue me. But since the show was starting, I decided to not read the books and just let the drama come as it happens.


One of my biggest draws to premium channel shows is the fact that there is nudity and some pretty decent softcore porn (I’m a pervert, remember?), so when I saw that Jason Momoa and some other hotties were on the cast list, I got a little excited. Okay, a lot excited. So before I talk about the storyline, let’s talk the basics. Pretty women, hot men, lots of sex, an Imp, incest, rape, murder, swords, horses, dragons, whorehouses, battles, magic, sorcery, betrayal, bastards, giants, zombies/undead, beheading…..what’s not to like?

It’s fair to say that I get inappropriately attached to my fictional characters and in Game of Thrones, no one is safe. Main characters die all of the time. I think Ned Stark’s beheading in Season One was heard around the world. I still get upset thinking about it. My alliance changes with each episode, as I have a place in my heart for several characters.

Since Season One, I have been Team Stark.  Good hearted people who value family, honor and honesty. But they tend to love to a fault and their need to do what’s right and being too trusting is pretty much what has gotten most of the Starks killed.  (See “The Red Wedding” ahhhh noooo! Nightmares after that episode). Currently, my hope is that Arya seeks her revenge with The Dog at her side, kills all of the people on her list and makes a happy life with Gendry as the King of Westeros.


Gendry- King Robert’s Bastard (Rightful Heir) and Arya Stark, who should be his Queen

I also have an allegiance to Daenerys of House Targaryen who is now the leader of a “bresilian” man army (haha, @RC Samo you like that one?) and is in possession of 3 dragons. I love her because she is a strong, independent, big hearted and fearless woman who is set to take back the throne that once belonged to her father. Thank the Gods her douchebag of a brother was rightfully killed with a “golden crown” of his own in Season One by Khal Drogo (*swoon*). He wouldn’t have made it two feet into Kings Landing. So as much as I want the Starks in Kings Landing, the Khaleesi would be the ideal leader at the end of this game.


The Khalessi, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targeryn


Khal Drogo- Died in Season One

Before I switch topics, let me talk the Lannisters. They’re assholes who are selfish, greedy and cutthroat. However, they have some redeeming qualities that I feel deserve mentioning. Tywin, the patriarch of the Lannister clan, does what he needs to do to preserve the family name and fortune, often to the misfortune of his adult children. Cersei, Tywin’s only daughter and mother of the vicious little cunt Joffrey (Do NOT RIP, asshole) is a witch, but she loves her children and literally would do anything to protect them. Tyrion is whole other story and I could probably write an entire entry on my love/hate relationship with the Imp. But he has a good heart, is a good person but he is a Lannister and looking out for himself is always #1 on his brain.


Tyrion Lannister, The Imp

My final thought on Game of Thrones for now…..How I can I join in on Oberyn Martell’s freaky deaky parties? I’m just saying. Can I get an invite?


Oberyn Martell of Dorne

Bueno- next topic, Harry Potter. Yes. I am a grown woman who wishes the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was real. I wish I had a wand and a diploma from Hogwarts and I wish I was a Charms professor. I wish I was married to an Auror or a Headmaster and I wish I had a Hipogriff as a pet. I wish I could use the floo network to travel anywhere that I wished and that on weekends I had box seats to quidditch games. I wish that my kids were star students (but not prefects) and I look forward to taking them to Platform 9 3/4 every year. I am a Gryffindor through and through, however I think I’d fit in rather well as a Ravenclaw as well. I am inappropriately in love with the characters and fell for them while reading the books, prior to the movies. Confession: I cried the most when Hedwig died….yes…I cried. Alright, I’ll end my Harry Potter obsession here. But does anyone else want to enroll at Durmstrang? Anyone? 🙂

My short list of other obsessions include All things Disney and Disneyland, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, True Blood and all things Vampire and The Walking Dead.

As for collectibles: Feel free to send gifts, by the way (LOL), I love graphic novels, Pop Toys, jewelry , toys and well, just about anything having to do with the above things. I LOVE my pet dragon and my Dragon’s egg necklace that I picked up at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo last year. Still on a mission to find a Gryffindor scarf and leg-warmers.

Well, this blog isn’t very exciting, not compared to last week. But it will definitely appeal to the nerds who like the same things I do. Sorry for the language or any spoilers. Actually, NO, I don’t apologize. If you’re not caught up on Game of Thrones, that’s your problem, not mine.

My next blog will likely be something naughty….so…stay tuned!! Until next time….